Titles Available CITY CHICKS
Employing Chickens as Garden Helpers, Compost Creators, Bio-recyclers and Local Food SuppliersCHICKEN TRACTOR
The Permaculture Guide to Happy Hens and Healthy SoilDAY RANGE POULTRY
Every Chicken Owner's Guide to Grazing Gardens & Improving Pastures
The Entreprneur's Guide to Selling What Your GrowA TINY HOME TO CALL YOUR OWN
Living Well in Just Right Homes
Bumper Stickers
Chickens: Pets with Benefits
Occupy Backyards
Legalize Chickens
I Love My Chickens
Got Chickens?Bumper Sticker Discounts
1 to 3 stickers $3.00 | 4 or more $2.50 | 10 or more $2.25 | 20 or more $2.00
As seen in
The New York Times
$22.50Sale $18.50
Signed by Author!
It's time to think outside the coop,
and inside urban agriculture!"Far more than just another book on chickens, City Chicks opens the door to a whold new world of poultry possibilities. Keeping small flocks is good for gardens, municipalities, education, and the local food movement. City Chicks is a comprehensive information source."
— Richard Freudenberger
BackHome Magazine & Chicken Owner
$19.95Sale $17.25
Signed by Author!Chicken Tractor Table of Contents
CITY CHICKS: Keeping Micro-flocks of Chickens as Garden Helpers, Compost Makers, Bio-recyclers and Local Food Suppliers, by Patricia Foreman 460 ppb
TEXT BOOK for the Backyard Chicken Keeper Certification Course.
The 10-class online course with 24/7 replay links to classes. Facilitated by author Patricia ForemanThere are many books about keeping chickens, City Chicks is the only book that explaines how to put them to work by emply their skill sets. The local foods movement is mushrooming and chickens are the mascot. City Chicks brings fresh, innovative and new information about keeping — and employing — backyard flocks of urban chickens.
City Chicks describes in detail how to develope your very own “Chicken Have More Plan” for increased self-sufficiency. Learn how to create hyper-fertile soils to produce hyper-nutritious food from your gardens. Instead of using oil-based chemicals, chickens can help produce fertilizer and compost; they can turn yard waste into garden soil. Hens can also be used as mobile, clucking, (organic and non-toxic), pesticiders, herbiciders, and insecticiders.
And chickens can be of community and civic service. One standard chicken eats about 8 pounds of food “waste” a month. A few hundred households keeping micro-flocks of laying hens can divert tons of yard and food biomass “waste” from trash collection saving municipalities millions, even billions of tax payer dollars.
This 460 page book has over 120 photos, sketches, and tables bringing visual clarity and simplicity to complex concepts. To see two examples click here:
• Chicken Skill Sets (page 18) and,
• Chickens in Recycling and Food Production Systems (page 19).
City Chicks ushers in a new paradigm of how to use these versatile, clucking, feathered bipeds in a variety of roles that help decrease carbon foot-prints, save tax payer dollars and support local food supply production.
City Chicks shows how you can:
- Have fresh, heart-healthy eggs, daily from your backyard home flock.
- Employ your chicken’s “skill sets” as garden workers, organic pesticiders, herbiciders, fertilizers, compost creators and top soil enhancers.
- Take the best care of your flock.
- Be a Chicken Whisperer.
- Be a Primary Poultry Health Care Practitioner to save on, and even avoid, vet bills.
- The Poultry’s Pharmacy shows you how to make and use effective, inexpensive home treatments.
- Draft and pass local laws allowing laying hens within your town or city.
- Avoid roosters and why you don’t want them.
- Do much, much more with chickens than you ever thought possible, including outrageous chicken tricks.
City Chicks also explores the civic side of chickens and how they can be employed as clucking city workers helping to divert food and yard waste from landfills. This can save millions of tax payer dollars.
- Learn How Others
• Have built urban chicken tractors, hen huts, condos and chicken chateaus to blend in with neighborhood landscape and architecture.
• Join in urban eco-agro-tourism with annual coop and garden home tours.
• Start or join local poultry clubs and blogs.
• Keep small flocks to help preserve endangered breeds of chickens.
• Draft and pass local laws allowing laying hens within their town's limits.
"City Chicks is a revelation! It's time someone connected gardenng to raising and keeping hens. This book is filled with excellent adice so that everyone can confidently practice good earth stewardship, not to mention have a prize garden!". — Michael Metallo, President, National Gardening Association
"In fact, City Chicks might well become 'The' reference bible for the burgeoning local foods movement." —Cathy Taibbi, Examiner.com
"The focus is on how chickens fit in with so many other common needs and concerns of our century. This is a book for our times." J. D. Belanger, Editor Emeritus, Backyard Poultry Magazine
"Another Take on Chick Lit. The chicken is still having her moment as the mascot and darling of the always-cresting locavore food movement. But as hipsters and foodies from New York to San Franciso embrace her charm and services—many people are struggling to learn how, exactly to care for her. Enter City Chicks."— Penelope Green, The New York Times
Available paperback: Suggested Retail: $22.50, 460 pages, index, bibliography, resources, over 120 photos, graphics and tables,ISBN 970-9624648-5-0
Kindle Version for ebook $9.99: City Chicks: Employing Chickens
iBook edition from Apple iTunes:
CHICKEN TRACTOR: The Permaculture Guide to Happy Hens and Healthy Soil. The all new Straw Bale Edition. by Andy Lee and Patricia Foreman, 351ppb.
TEXT BOOK for the Backyard Chicken Keeper Certification Course.
The 10-class online course with 24/7 replay links to classes. Facilitated by author Patricia Foreman
The definition of a chicken tractor has evolved to mean employing your chickens skill-sets in a variety of different tasks that benefit you, your garden and yard. The chickens peck and scratch the soil to clean your beds, eat pest bugs and weed seeds, and fertilize the beds with their manure. Best of all, they provide eggs and meat with that old-fashioned flavor and homegrown goodness.
Expanded, updated and even more detailed. Learn how to raise homestead flocks for eggs, meat and money. Loads of photos and diagrams make important information visual and easy to understand.
Process birds in your backyard with exact, step-by-step explanations. Over 50 processing photos and diagrams—to let you do it right, efficiently and humanely each and every time.
This incredibly popular hands-on book is a grass-roots best seller.It has helped thousands of folks have better gardens and has rekindled an interest in the backyard flocks and heritage breeds of poultry. It has literally, changed the lives of millions of chickens all over the world by taking them out of factory farms, and putting in the gardens where they are happier, more productive and healthier.
Available paperback:Suggested Retail: $19.95,
312 pages, index, bibliography, resources, over 150 photos, graphics and tables
ISBN 978-0-9843382-0-7Kindle Version for ebook $9.99:
iBook edition from Apple iTunes:
$19.95Sale $15.00
Signed by Author!
Available paperback:Suggested Retail: $19.95
312 pages, index, bibliography, resources,
Over 100 photos, graphics and tables.
ISBN 978-0-9843382-0-7Kindle Version for ebook $9.99:
iBook edition from Apple iTunes
The Entrepreneur's Guide to Selling What You Grow
by Andy Lee and Patricia Foreman, 351ppb. The greatest opportunities can sometimes be found in our own backyards. This is true for the small-scale farmer/gardener who dreams of selling the fruits of their labors to an appreciative public. Discover how easy and profitable it is to grow and sell vegetables, fruits, flower, Herbs and small livestock from your backyard market garden. Make Money at Home!
This inspirational, dirt-under-the-fingernails book with its earthy humor, has helped inspire "the gardener next door" to grow food not only for themselves, but others as well and make money while doing what they love.
The authors have over 20 years of vegetable growing & small business experience into this handbook for beginning & experienced agricultural entrepreneurs. A complete guide to business management & marketing for the small scale vegetable grower. Contains a wealth of information on budgets, crop planning, direct marketing, farmers' markets, roadside & farm stands, food cooperatives, caterers, mail order, restaurants, pick your own, wholesale distributors, producers' cooperatives, & subscription marketing services such as clientele membership clubs, community supported farms, & home deliveries. Covers innovative & appropriately scaled equipment for the greenhouses & fields, labor requirements & training methods, locating & improving land for growing & retailing sites, & gives a very strong argument for the economic & ecologic benefits of organic & sustainable growing methods.
Written by "a master farmer who has walked his talk", Backyard Market Gardening is the flagship book that has helped spawn farmers' markets and community farms across America. It has inspired thousands of communities to pursue local food self-sufficiency. "An easy, entertaining read that is very rewarding to the soul, the soil and the flow of capital".
Twice selected by the Rodale Book Club as the "Editors Choice" for the Book-of-the-Month.|
Available paperback:Suggested Retail: $19.95, 312 pages, index, bibliography, resources, over 100 photos, graphics and tables,ISBN 978-0-9843382-0-7
Kindle Version for ebook $9.99:
iBook edition from Apple iTunes:
Market gardening, as described by Andy Lee, is very rewarding to the soul,the soil, the environmet, and the flow of capital." — Jim Hightower
This is THE book that shows you how to do what you can, with what you have, and where you are."
— George DeVault, Organic Gardening Magazine
Andrew Lee has crafted a fantastic guide for those new to organic gardening, and has done so with style, wit and humor. He walks you through soil types, composting, marketing techniques, and tool selection. He also compares and contrasts Community Supported Farms, Farmers' Markets, Subscription Farming, etc. Andrew Lee covers it all. And on top of that he has produced a lively and entertaining read in the process.
—A Customer, Amazon.com Review
$19.95Sale $15.00
Signed by Author!Available paperback & eBooks:Suggested Retail: $19.95, 256 pages, index, bibliography, resources, over 80 photos, graphics and tables
Every Chicken Owner's Guide to Grazing Gardens and Improving Pastures, including the management of breeder flocks, egg handling, incubating, hatchery management, building shelters, marketing, advertising, soils regeneration, compost creation, processing poultry humanely and efficiently, and much, much more!
by Andy Lee and Patricia Foreman, 265ppb.
This is the book that tells you just about everything you need to know to raise poultry on pasture from the egg up through processing. Based on years of hands-on experiences—both success and failures—the authors hold back nothing about the realities, advantages, disadvantages and the rewards of small-scale poultry production systems for income and community food self-sufficiency. Hard to find information on raising turkeys and small-scale breeder flocks and incubation production. Foreword by everybody's favorite contrary farmer, Gene Logsdon.
Day Range Poultry Look Inside
Available paperback:Suggested Retail: $22.00,
308 pages, index, bibliography, resources, over 80 photos, graphics and tablesISBN 0-9624648-7-2
A Tiny Home to Call Your Own: Living Well in Just Right Houses by Patricia Foreman and Andy Lee, 208ppb
You can live in an attractive, aesthetically appealing, upscale house AND you can do it so that it is quality built, architecturally beautiful, highly marketable and profitable. Small is beautiful and functional in housing. Smaller scale homes can be more livable, cozy, homey, enjoyable, low maintenance, and easy to clean. Tiny houses (300 sq.ft. to around 1,000 sq.ft.) can be more affordable and socially responsible than the current trend of "McMansionization" that is chewing up America. Some of them can be built on existing lots without requiring new land purchase.
Impress neighbors with style and freedom rather than with large scale, impersonally built square footage.
Uses for Tiny Houses include:
• Anyone who wants less space to maintain in exchange for more time, freedom and money.
• For folks to have an an independent place of their own, yet be close by, such as an elderly parent, student, or return-to-the-nest kid.
• Newly weds, newly divorced, singles (for what ever reason) and for those with hermit-like tendencies who simply want their own space — to themselves.
• Your personal "away space", home office, professional work space, writer's or artist's studio or rental for extra passive income.
• As a starter house designed for future expansion as the family grows and money becomes available.
• To host guests separately, they can be close by, but not" in your face" space. You know those visiting "in-law" stories.
• A vacation home by the lake or in the woods — that doesn't cost a bundle AND has all the creature comforts of home.
Click Here to Read Reviews of A Tiny Home to Call Your Own
To view published reviews about this book and Tiny Homes, click the link below:
Better Homes & Gardens Remodeling, July 2005
Virginia Living Magazine, December 2004
The New York Times, November 2004
Available paperback:Suggested Retail: $9.95,
208 pages, index, bibliography, resources, over 80 photos, graphics and tables
In Business Since 1989
Providing Books and Training Materials on
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