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Chickens & You™ Training Series

Resources & News You Can Use

7 Myths of Urban Chickens

Chicken Have-More Plan

Chickens as Biomass Recyclers Saving BIG TIME Tax Payer Dollars

Author Pat Foreman

Speaking & Workshop Schedule


At Good Earth Publications (GEP) we have a vision of the world as it could be. We want to promote a world that values nutritious foods grown on living soils. A world where livestock is humanely raised, respected and honored for the food they pass on to us. A world where people protect and regenerate the environment. A world where we all protect and respect our planet as our sacred living web of life. A planet where neighbors and nations are guided by the principles of goodwill, cooperation and ever are striving to be better. Granted, all this is idealistic. But these ideals inspire us to do our best. We know that a dedicated group of people can form a force strong enough; a fulcrum long enough; a consciousness aware enough to help move the world.

Having begun business in 1989 in Vermont, we are inspired by, and agree with, the socially responsible and linked prosperity business philosophy developed by Ben & Jerry's. We do our best to base our decisions and directions on actions that we feel are socially just, economically fair and environmentally responsible. To us, business is much more than just a short-term profit or bottom line motivation. To this end, we have a three part mission objective.

Product Mission: We view our books, training materials and courses as leveraged change agents that are directed towards life-affirming models. These models are regenerative, sustainable and life-supporting for all beings of our planet.

Social Mission: To operate our business in a way that actively recognizes the central role that business plays in the structure of society. We try to initiate innovative ways to improve the quality-of-life of our community, at all levels: locally, nationally and globally. We know we can't buy a good reputation. We conduct all our affairs with honesty, good will and integrity. If an initiative is not mutually beneficial to all involved, then we won't do it.

Economic Mission: To operate the company on a sound financial basis of profitable growth coupled with creating career opportunities and financial rewards for our employees. We use Buckminster Fuller’s philosophy of looking for gaps that exist within our culture and trying to address those gaps in creative, integrated, innovative ways.

In our book store, we have summarized for you some of the best books available on small-scale farming, ecological agriculture, permaculture, day range poultry, chicken tractors, gardening, conservation subdivisions that preserve farmland, and tiny (smaller, cozy) houses. This is our "little bit" to help regenerate the Earth such that all her inhabitants can enjoy their quality-of-life. We donate 100% of the after tax profit from book sales toward projects that further the healing of our planet.

Many of you might have received our catalogs in the past. Because of printing and postage costs we discountinued the printed verson and are greatful to have the web to continue with this service. We are seekers, explorers and servers just like you, so if you have suggestions or questions just give us a call or drop us a note. May all your work be peaceful, productive, purposeful and fun!

Many Blessings


ALL the Staff and Associates

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